Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tess got to go for a ride today and she's feeling mighty cool. Really, she's too big for her britches and snarled at Luci when she got home. She gets nervous out in the big world without her sisters and forgets everything about her pack. She got out of the van at Petscripts and was just wild on leash. She had to get back in the van quickly.
She and Cathy went on an extended pet med pickup errand to Petscripts and Community Pharmacy with stops at Royal River Foods and Shurfine.
It's a NICE day out - sunny and in the 40's. No snow or ice on the roads. There will be a lovely walkie a little later on. It's usually warmest out between 1 and 2.
Christmas is over. We didn't get any presents. Very very sad. Excellent food ever since though. Days and days of turkey and now turkey stew. Very very happy! We slept for two days after everyone left.
We love the warm weather! We love the non-icy roads! We wouldn't mind if it stayed like this all winter! (Luci still hopes for snow.)
She and Cathy went on an extended pet med pickup errand to Petscripts and Community Pharmacy with stops at Royal River Foods and Shurfine.
It's a NICE day out - sunny and in the 40's. No snow or ice on the roads. There will be a lovely walkie a little later on. It's usually warmest out between 1 and 2.
Christmas is over. We didn't get any presents. Very very sad. Excellent food ever since though. Days and days of turkey and now turkey stew. Very very happy! We slept for two days after everyone left.
We love the warm weather! We love the non-icy roads! We wouldn't mind if it stayed like this all winter! (Luci still hopes for snow.)
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
We're very restless today. We need a walk and we haven't had one for days and days. There's no good reason. We're being ignored. Plus we can tell something is up. The living room got rearranged on Sunday. The tree is still in the corner. Lots of activity around. We're just wriggling in anticipation.
Three visitors to the homestead yesterday. Good rounds of sniffies for all. Visitors help break up the monotony of sleeping, eating, going out, sleeping, going out, eating, etc. When will we get a CAR RIDE???
The estrogen seems to have helped Cori's wee-wee problem. No signs of it for over a week.
Luci is dandy.
Tess hurt her paw yesterday. It hurt so much she couldn't stand on it. When she came inside and saw a visitor (Grandpa), she was suddenly cured. It was a miracle.
Three visitors to the homestead yesterday. Good rounds of sniffies for all. Visitors help break up the monotony of sleeping, eating, going out, sleeping, going out, eating, etc. When will we get a CAR RIDE???
The estrogen seems to have helped Cori's wee-wee problem. No signs of it for over a week.
Luci is dandy.
Tess hurt her paw yesterday. It hurt so much she couldn't stand on it. When she came inside and saw a visitor (Grandpa), she was suddenly cured. It was a miracle.
Thursday, December 18, 2003

Luci LOVES snow! She's been burrowing and rolling and crawling and bowing and going wild in the beautiful snow. She emerges with a fully frosted nose. She can do this for a LONG time. And then yesterday it rained. And then last night it froze. And now it's a big, slippery, unburrowable mess.
The tree is up in the living room. Frankly we don't find it very interesting. Luci sniffed it and played with the ornaments. Nicholas tried to eat some ribbon off a gift. Cori and Tess completely ignore it. Toby would play with it but he can't reach.
Sunny today. Will we ever get a walk again? Will we ever relax in the pond in the brilliant summer sunshine? And listen to the geese?
Friday, December 05, 2003
Cold, cold, cold. Where did August go?
It's supposed to snow tonight and we'll be running around in the white stuff by tomorrow morning. This will curtail our digging for sure. The frozen ground hasn't been very conducive to digging for the last few days.
So today one last bare ground walk. One last sniff in all the great animal holes before they're covered up 'til Spring.
Our fleece coats are freshly washed and we're ready.
Luci says "Bring it on! I love the snow. Burrowing, here I come."
It's supposed to snow tonight and we'll be running around in the white stuff by tomorrow morning. This will curtail our digging for sure. The frozen ground hasn't been very conducive to digging for the last few days.
So today one last bare ground walk. One last sniff in all the great animal holes before they're covered up 'til Spring.
Our fleece coats are freshly washed and we're ready.
Luci says "Bring it on! I love the snow. Burrowing, here I come."
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Luci's Holiday Gift Hint:
Wondering how we get around so well? With chondroitin and glucosamine, Sea Jerky keeps us spry. We all say "yum yum"! We like Greenies too, and they're good for our teeth (we don't care about that really - they taste great!).
Wondering how we get around so well? With chondroitin and glucosamine, Sea Jerky keeps us spry. We all say "yum yum"! We like Greenies too, and they're good for our teeth (we don't care about that really - they taste great!).
No more hunting season. But now it's COLD. From bad to ugly - that's all there is to it. Yesterday it even snowed. Luci rediscovered her giant BONE and ran around with it in the yard yesterday. Then she brought the dirty bone in. Yuck. It's back outside now, "getting some sun". Maybe some snow will come and bury it and in the spring it will be all shiny and new.
No growly tummy for the last two days. Tess is relieved.
Cori is bored, bored, bored. Despite two extra, spoiled-girl car rides this week, she is bored and wondering when it will be summer again so she can go for a swim (wade) in the pond. It can't happen soon enough.
The holes are getting deeper. There is a struggle between human and canine to see who can reign supreme in the hole department. Human currently ahead, only because ground is frozen today.
No growly tummy for the last two days. Tess is relieved.
Cori is bored, bored, bored. Despite two extra, spoiled-girl car rides this week, she is bored and wondering when it will be summer again so she can go for a swim (wade) in the pond. It can't happen soon enough.
The holes are getting deeper. There is a struggle between human and canine to see who can reign supreme in the hole department. Human currently ahead, only because ground is frozen today.