
Sunday, February 08, 2004

Wicked cold again but we got to go for a little walk today anyway, bundled up in our fleece parkas. Cori loved the walk and would have gone farther. Everyone else, canine and human, was getting cold.

The wind is up and the thermometer temp is around 15-degrees F, which means the windchill is probably around zero. We know this because Luci is a smarty-pants and knows all about thermometer reading and meteorology. She keeps close tabs on the weather because she never wants to be caught in a sprinkle and prefers never to get her feet wet, certainly not muddy. If rain is coming she plans to be staying in for at least twelve hours or longer to avoid inclement yard conditions.

We were all satisfied with today's short walk and are spending the rest of the afternoon resting. Currently napping in the living room. Nick is here napping too.

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