
Sunday, March 07, 2004

Fabulous walk at the Eastern Prom today! It was sunny and warm with a nice breeze. We got excellent sniffies because of all the dogs that walk there. Not very many people out today. We walked by the waste water treatment plant which smelled really good. One lady was afraid of Cori and gave her a wide berth. Cori is so FIERCE, especially with her leg missing and now weighing about 40 lbs. What a fantastic morning walk.

We also got to see something very unusual. Humans running a roadrace. We were fascinated. Tess was whining. We wanted to place bets but couldn't decide who was fastest. Why were all those humans running anyway? And why are they so SLOW? The race took forver for something that should have been about 30 seconds. They're all just greyhound wannabes.

Then a nice ride home and we're going to nap the rest of the day way. The way life should be.

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