
Saturday, April 24, 2004

It's feeling summery. Sunny days almost all week. Lots of good walkies. A few good rides.

Tess got a major brushing today because she is just a shedding fur MONSTER. The white fluff was just shooting around the yard and she still has a way to go but it's much better. Luci and Cori both got a little brushing too, but neither of them had the fur motherlode that was clinging to Tess.

Everyone's heartworm tests were negative and they had their heartworm meds this morning.

Tess is on a round of metronitazole - see if we can clear up that intermittent diarrhea for good.

Cori's been feeling good. Her bloodwork results came back yesterday and her kidneys are about the same. BUN was up slightly - to 41 from 36. Creatanine was down slightly - around 3.0. Everything else was normal. Platelets fine, so no anemia. She's eating well, not drinking as much, anxious to go out for walks and rides. She knows it's almost summer and that means a world of opportunity.

To the choo tomorrow!!

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