
Saturday, June 05, 2004

We celebrate two birthdays this month. Cori turns 12. Tess turns 10. We're spring chickens, really. We certainly don't feel our age. Never mind the whole thing about "dog years". Yikes - that's just too scary.

Wonder what we'll be getting for birthday gifts this year? Gee in the past we've gotten - well - exactly nothing. Why would this year be any different?

No one is sure when Luci's birthday is - since the tattoos in her ears are blurred, she's lost her birth certificate. We think it's around the beginning of the year - January or February. She is now 10.

So, Happy Birthday to Us!! If you happen to be inclined (hint hint), please feel free to send our gifts via UPS (we LOVE to greet the UPS person) or, better yet, deliver them yourself. If you're feeling noble, a nice donation to Maine Greyhound Placement Service would be a good gift. Otherwise, just send us treats. LOTS of treats.

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