
Saturday, September 04, 2004

Never Fear!

Everything is fine here, just a very slow time, while summer winds down. We have been absolute slugs. We've hardly touched the diggy box even. The weather hasn't helped - muggy/damp - the hottest weather we've had all summer, which isn't saying much... But now a cool front is in and things are looking up!

Tomorrow we go to camp and Rosie comes to visit, we hope. Rosie is a beautiful brindle, like Cori, only lighter.

Cori has waded and waded and waded this summer. Just picture her up to her neck in water because that's how it's been. Luci and Tess have interspersed their long, luxurious naps with short spurts in the diggy box and that is ALL. No great ambitions here...

We hope to be able to bring you more true excitement soon... undoubtedly, one of us will cook up some trouble any day now...

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