
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Things are really looking up weatherwise. Sunny. High 30's. Good snow on the ground so we can walk on the road and it's not icy. Our yard isn't icy either. Luci has snow to burrow in. Spring must be near.

Cori is still having incontinence "issues". The DES (estrogen) doses from last week (three days in a row) nipped it right in the bud but she had one overnight accident before the next dose (of the current twice weekly regimen) kicked in. Last night more leaking. This may be a tough one. The vet is considering trying a second drug. And we're trying the herbal remedy from Pet Quarters called "Leak No More". Won't hurt. Might help. It's a real hardship for Cori to have a little bit of milk (which she LOVES) with 10 drops of Leak No More three times a day. Luci is quite jealous. Tess is lactose-intolerant and couldn't care less.

We have "pads" under towels draped over all possible Cori sleeping areas in the house. This includes the couch, Cori's bed in the office, Cori's bed upstairs and the "big beddy". The pads are a godsend.

Cori totally freaked out the other day over something. Snow falling off the roof maybe? Something happened in the yard maybe? Whatever it was there were no witnesses but she panted and shook for about two hours. Then settled down and was perfectly normal the rest of the day.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Woooo weeeeee - it all changed to snow. About 5 inches. Surface of yard much improved. Our temperaments much improved. The world is brilliant white.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Snow. Rain. Snow. Rain. Yuck.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Luci Shopping Hint: Luci trusts Pampered Puppy for all her shopping needs.

We got to go for a long ride and a walk at the beach today. A little chilly; a little icy underpaw; the tide was in. Altogether a great morning.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Cold again. No further comment.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Cori is whiny and uptight today. We all are. We want a walk. It's in the upper 30's. It's byootiful out. We are ready to walk, walk, walk without our jackets. Unfortunately the surface of the road leaves something to be desired. Pretty icy and cruddy. But we DON'T CARE. Walk us now! We're bored...

p.s. Excellent dinners we've been having lately although we don't approve of the switch back to Wellness kibble. We know it's good for us but the taste just isn't that great compared to Nutro's. Tess won't even eat it. Cori eats it. Luci thinks it's pretty stinky and she prefers Nutro's for her coat anyway. We're being fed a mix, except Cori, who is getting all Wellness. Last night's topping was chicken, lots of chicken juice and some rice. Delectable.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Wicked cold again but we got to go for a little walk today anyway, bundled up in our fleece parkas. Cori loved the walk and would have gone farther. Everyone else, canine and human, was getting cold.

The wind is up and the thermometer temp is around 15-degrees F, which means the windchill is probably around zero. We know this because Luci is a smarty-pants and knows all about thermometer reading and meteorology. She keeps close tabs on the weather because she never wants to be caught in a sprinkle and prefers never to get her feet wet, certainly not muddy. If rain is coming she plans to be staying in for at least twelve hours or longer to avoid inclement yard conditions.

We were all satisfied with today's short walk and are spending the rest of the afternoon resting. Currently napping in the living room. Nick is here napping too.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Cori's kidney levels are still elevated - worse than in December. We are taking her off the piroxicam that she's been on for cancer-preventive reasons for over three years. It's been almost four years since her osteosarcoma diagnosis, amputation and start of chemo. We've been so lucky...

But now she's 11, almost 12, and the age is showing.

Vet visit this morning was fine. Cori enjoyed playing sniffy with other dogs there - it was a ZOO this morning. She got some nice treats, had a blood draw and Pierre looked in her ears. Then back home for a little solo walk, sans sisters, on our newly sanded (yet still treacherous) road.

Luci and Tess greeted her with much sniffing on her return and we're all curled up, snoozing in the office for the rest of the day since it's snowing out (!! - Luci can't wait).

The treat situation is fairly deplorable. New treats better arrive or we may go on canine strike. Not sure what that will involve but it will be bad.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Winter. The doldrums. Icy road. Icy yard. Sigh.

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