
Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's woods-walking time of year! We wait and wait for this. Luci prefers the woods over the road any day of the week... she doesn't really like coming across other people or dogs, just the soft feel of path and soothing sound of leaves crunching underpaw.

The turkeys have been roaming our woods and we can smell them everywhere. They're big this year and there are about 20, at last count. We know because we flushed them in the woods the other day - that is GRAND excitement!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The geocaching was quite a romp. We went to Twin Brooks where one of the caches is located. That's one of our favorite stomping grounds anyway, although we haven't been there for quite a while. We headed down a wooded path and promptly all three went in different directions - a wonderful extension lead twisting extravaganza...

They tried the GPS out for quite a while while we were flailing around and then, sadly, they put us all in the car and went off to find the cache without us!!! What a travesty... they did find it eventually and seemed pretty proud of themselves when they returned to the car...

We had a good walk and good sniffies- that's all that really matters.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Today we're going Geocaching. Apparently they have little boxes of things to discover everywhere. The humans need a GPS to do this. We say - just follow your nose! We've known about these little boxes of goodies FOREVER. Why do you think we always want to go snort around in the woods?

No matter - if this mean we get more walkies, we're all for it! Geocaching, here we come!

Friday, September 17, 2004

We've had a busy morning. First we slept in...

Then Luci went out into the yard, did her business and jumped into the frogpond...

Then Tess went out and got into the diggy box, covered her paws with dirt and brought it in to mix with the water from the frogpond.

Now we're all sleeping.

The sounds of the mop and vacuum disturb our beauty sleep.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

We had such a nice time with Rosie on Sunday. She is so very refined, like most greyhounds. She was friendly. She ignored grumpy Tess. She moved away from Cori's special couch. She arrived with a very nice human who gave us plenty of attention.

And she brought the World's Best Treats! They are a dried chicken tender jerky that just melts in your mouth (some chewing required)... We are completely smitten with this treat! And she left three bags with us. That is generosity and selflessness unparalleled! (The treats are made by Adi-pet - we're trying to get more info about where to get them since Rosie had them imported from South Carolina...)

Thank you Rosie!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Never Fear!

Everything is fine here, just a very slow time, while summer winds down. We have been absolute slugs. We've hardly touched the diggy box even. The weather hasn't helped - muggy/damp - the hottest weather we've had all summer, which isn't saying much... But now a cool front is in and things are looking up!

Tomorrow we go to camp and Rosie comes to visit, we hope. Rosie is a beautiful brindle, like Cori, only lighter.

Cori has waded and waded and waded this summer. Just picture her up to her neck in water because that's how it's been. Luci and Tess have interspersed their long, luxurious naps with short spurts in the diggy box and that is ALL. No great ambitions here...

We hope to be able to bring you more true excitement soon... undoubtedly, one of us will cook up some trouble any day now...

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